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Research: Follow these simple guidelines while using credit cards to avoid scams -

Credit card scams are as old as they can get. Scams are there all over the world, and one must ensure that they don’t fall for these and should take a few simple precautions to prevent this. It is also a good idea to check the credit once a year and keep track of the card details.

Never fall for the phone call that promises to lower your rates etc. This could also be done by mail at times. However, one must understand that there is nothing that anyone else can do that you cannot do for yourself. All that you need to do is call your bank directly and check to see if the rates can be lowered. If someone can guarantee lower rates, then it is time to be cautious as, all that they would be interested in is your card details and certainly not your benefits.

Other scam involves sending out fake text messages or emails which is directed to a fake call center or a fake web site. No bank will ever ask for information through an e-mail to verify any information. If this happens, then open a fresh browser window and log onto the credit card’s website and go through the details. If there are text messages, then call the number on the back of your card. If it is genuine you can always find out about it. Scammers make every effort possible to spoof the legitimate websites and consumers are always at risk of handing over their vital information to them.

Verification calls are probably the most genuine, but dangerous; they ask you for some piece of information. They will not ask you for your entire credit card number but just the last 6 or 8 digits or the CCV code. No bank will ask for information by making an anonymous call. Ask for a case number if you get a call like that and hang up immediately. Then call up the number at the back of the card and give the case number to the call center or bank and verify the details. Block the card immediately and ask for a fresh card. Asking for the last few digits means that the scammer has almost all the details and is just phishing to put the last bits of the puzzle. Lastly, never download any free goodies from the internet.