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Research: How to not end up in spiral of debt -

It is safe to say that credit cards today are quite unavoidable, and without the right cards you might find it increasingly hard to go about your daily routine and buy the things you need. It is highly impractical to carry a lot of cash as well, which is perhaps reason why you would be interested in learning more about these credit cards. Hence, it follows that you would want to know more about using credit cards so that you don’t end up spending money out of your pocket. There are a couple of things that you could perhaps keep in mind that makes it all the more simple to use these cards.

Know your limits

Although credit cards are supposed to come with certain limits, many people end up neglecting these limits altogether and as a result; they find it really hard to pay the dues back on time. Charge cards are worse in this regard, as there is no clear limit attached to these cards. Consequently, you might end up spending a lot of money and not be aware of it, which is why you should be aware of this aspect when using credit cards.

Paying back what is due

If you start cutting back on payments and only make the minimum payments every month, you are going to end up in a lot of debt. Unless you have a good payback plan in place, it is very unlikely that you will be able to pay anything back on time. Hence, this is something that should be addressed while using credit cards, since you are going to end up in a lot of problems at the very end, when the debt is overwhelming and filing bankruptcy is the only way out.

Using fewer cards

People that are planning to use one card to transfer balances over to another card should be warned that doing so can lead to complications and problems. Hence, reducing the number of cards and controlling the expenses is pretty much the main thing to keep in mind. Ideally, having 3 or fewer cards is strongly recommended so that you don’t spend a lot of money and are able to keep the expenses in check. As long as you don’t get carried away, there is nothing much to be worried about when using credit cards. It is a perfectly safe and viable method of payment.