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Research: Traveling with Your Credit Card -

There sure is nothing more convenient than traveling without the worries of running out of cash. But the thing though is that not all of us can travel with a bagful of cash with us. Thanks to credit cards, we still can enjoy our trip even when cash is not available.

If you travel frequently and not comfortable bringing a lot of cash with you, then applying for a credit card recognized worldwide is the first thing you have to do.

Good as it is, there are some thing that you need to check on before leaving with your credit card.

If you will be on a trip for a longer period of time, it will be recommended that you go for credit cards that does not apply foreign exchange rate fee. A credit card which has this kind of fee would charge a card user around two to three percent; a big additional to your travel expenses.

But that`s not all you should know about travel credit cards. Scammers are everywhere, even on transactions you wouldn`t think will be affected by them. While on a foreign country and you are offered to have a conversion of all your transactions from their local currency to U.S. dollars, you should, without any second thoughts say no. Why? Businesses usually charges too much on exchange rates that could go as high as seven percent and the difference would be going to their pockets.

Credit cards differ from one country to another. So say you are on your way to Europe, it is a must that you carry your passport with you AT ALL TIMES. They have a different process of identifying so to avoid any hassles just have it with you all the time.

Credit cards have different features and rewards system. Choose a credit card that gives out rewards on things of your interest or in line with your lifestyle. If you travel a lot, go for frequent miles credit card. If you make hotel reservations regularly, then your credit card company may have some cards that had rewards points on this category.

But above all this, be a very wise shopper. Buy only the things that you need and to avoid sky-high charges, pay your bills on time and you`ll never have any problem with your credit card.

Whether you use your card locally or internationally, same rule should be followed: spend wisely.