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With data breaches becoming more commonplace, consumers are looking for ways to protect themselves, and now CreditWise, a free service from Capital One, has launched three new features to help them keep identify theft and fraud at bay. The new features include getting Social Security number, credit report and dark web alerts.
CreditWise is free for cardholders and anyone else who wants to track their credit. The new security features were announced on Wednesday by Capital One. Individuals who were already taking part in the program reportedly received email updates about the new features.
Social Security number alerts and more
With CreditWise people who sign up for the service now get alerts from two credit reporting bureaus - TransUnion and Experian. This is an upgrade because in the past they only received alerts from TransUnion. With this aspect of the service, people get an alert from both bureaus when significant changes to their credit report are detected by the system.
Social Security numbers are like gold to hackers and cyber thieves and now CreditWise also provides Social Security number alerts to consumers. They will get an alert if their Social Security number is used by someone to apply for some type of credit. When an alert is sent out it also provides the names and addresses that go along with the application, as well as the Social Security number. Why? This information allows people make sure no one else is using their Social Security number.
Thwarting fraudsters on the Dark Web
The dark web is a haven for criminals and cyber thieves, including those looking to buy and sell people’s personal information. In order to throw a monkey wrench into their plans and help consumers protect themselves, CreditWise is now offering Dark Web Surveillance.
CreditWise scours the dark web and lets consumers know if their email address or social security number is posted on any websites, so they then can take steps to protect themselves. CreditWise scans a wide range of unsafe sites on the dark web including illegal digital marketplaces and hacking forums.
Anyone can sign up for CreditWise via the website. In order to create an account people will have to provide personal information, including their name, address, birthday and Social Security number. Once signed up they can opt to get alerts via their email or on their smartphone. People looking for more information can visit the website.