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News: Global Entry Fee May Increase -

The United States Customs and Border Protection Bureau (CBP) is considering changing membership fees for Global Entry, SENTRI, and NEXUS. You can provide your feedback on the upcoming changes until November 9, 2020.

A new regulation shows as positive as negative changes to trusted traveler programs. Thus, the Global Entry fee is planned to increase from $100 to $120, which is a 20% increase in price. The fee for NEXUS will become the same as for Global Entry - $120, which is a 140% increase from the current $50 fee.

The fee for SENTRI, on the contrary, will likely go down to be on the same level as the other two programs. The current $122.25 fee is proposed adjusting to $120. Children under 18 won't be required to pay the application fee if they applied concurrently with a parent or legal guardian, or if their parent or legal guardian is already a member of the same program. Otherwise, minors would have to pay $120.

This change may also bring some changes to credit cards that offer a Global Entry or TSA Pre-Check credit. Right now, select credit cards offer to reimburse up to $100 every four or five years. Currently, it is unclear whether issuers will increase that amount if the price goes up or not.