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You might have met some people opening several new credit cards while they still have a huge amount of unpaid credit from their old credit cards. This of course is not a very wise thing to do but if you would rally want to get rid of your old credit and start fresh with a lower interest then you might want to consider having a credit card balance transfer. The basic requirements are simply your social security numbers and a mailbox.
With the many businesses today, the credit card industry is among the many businesses which is considered to be the biggest. With the rate and fees collected from its cardholders, they sure are making a bunch of money out of that. An interest charge could go as high as sixteen percent and that surely is a burden to the card holder. With the rate being so high consumers are having hard time settling their dues thus the principal getting piled up with interest charges which then would make it even harder to be repaid. With balance transfer, things could now be easier.
To attract the public, most banks and credit card companies offer balance credit cards. With a transfer balance, the old balance from the old card is then transferred to the new one thus the obligation needs to be paid by the consumer to his new bank. The good thing about this is that you can pay your dues on a lower rate. After the transfer is completed, a consumer can enjoy an up to zero to two percent interest for six to twelve months thus making the paying scheme even easier and lighter. Don't be overwhelmed though; never forget to close your old cards first before you apply for a transfer balance credit card.
This method sure is a very beneficial thing for the card holder but of course it should go with some responsibilities. Be more diligent in making your payments. There are some cases when a card holder fails to check on the fees and other charges so they end up wondering what those rates are and the worse they will realize they are paying more than they are supposed to pay.
One last recommendation, go for banks or companies that won't collect too high annual or joining fees. The World Wide Web has a lot of option for you and it's for you to find which is the best one.