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Research: Adapting Stewardship in Managing Your Credits and Accounts -

Stewardship is being responsible in the management of property giving regard to the rights of others. Managing your credits is also giving consideration to people around you, such as your family and friends. Stewardship is not just budgeting or bookkeeping or record filing, it is managing every single bit of resource that you have, time, money, relationships, job, etc. It is not merely focused on finances alone but extends throughout your whole being, your perspective in life. It is learning that everything you posses is not your own but was entrusted to you, and is something you have to be accountable for.

How do you learn stewardship? You start off by learning how to keep a tight budget. You need to know how much income you have for a period of time and divide it according to your financial requirements. This basically requires you to prioritize the things that you need over those that you want. Spend only on things that are necessary. Not all things fall under the category of necessity, some are just wants, desires driven by the media world.

Be responsible for your accounts payables and credits owns up your short comings. Once you`ve start acquiring credits, be a devoted payer. Set aside funds to pay for your credits or include them in your budget statements. Let no debt remain outstanding -do all you can to pay-off your debts.

Keep track of everything -your purchases, bill dues and payments made. This will serve as references should you have increase in your billing accounts. Be your own bookkeeper by keeping a ledger of all of your incomes, withdrawals, debits and credits. It is also beneficial to keep an inventory of your items so you can easily monitor which among your appliances or equipments need to replaced, repaired, or disposed. For other items you will no longer need but are still useable, you can put it on sale.

Plan your finances. It should be a long-term planning - kid`s educational plan to retirement plans, vacation, house expansion or renovation. Keep savings for any emergencies. Save up for your future needs.

Change in lifestyle is practicing stewardship. We must learn to be content with what we have and not be influenced by the consuming world. We are surrounded by a crowd that influences us to spend. But it`s always up to us to learn to control. Don??t get into the consumerism world.

Don't forget to give. Giving is one of the principles of stewardship. What you sow is what you reap. If you give, you will receive something in return, whether in service, cash or in kind. People will be generous enough to render the same whenever you're the one in need. "Give and it will be given to you. Good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over, will be poured into your lap." (Luke 6: 38a)

If things are too much for you to bear, seek professional help. There are good and able financial counselors who can help you start up getting out of your financial troubles.