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Research: Apartment Hunt Without Credit History -

Credit history is necessary for almost everything these days. It is of special importance if you are applying for loans or obtaining a phone line or even searching for apartments. Though credit history is important, options for people with no credit history is not completely non-existent. Having a credit card is not an option for many, as they like to manage their finances without credit. But without credit card, there is no credit history. Renting apartments can be frustrating as most landlords ask for credit checks. There are ways to get around that situation.

Conduct an extensive search:

Many times, we miss out on a lot of apartments because we are not looking in right places. Do not consult a single apartment agency or a single real estate agent. Try and reach out for as many agencies as you can. Each of them will have different client base of apartments and different localities. Since you are searching for apartments that do not require credit checks, keep your options open. You might have to compromise on things like locality or parking space or some other minor amenity. Check for your local news paper's classified section. Here is where all the available apartment listings will usually appear. Use internet extensively to find out apartment listings. There are some websites dedicated only for apartment listings by location. Make calls and talk to landlords or the contact person listed, and find out whether credit checks are required.

Kinds of apartments to look out for:

Large apartment chains and well known apartments often ask for a mandatory credit check. The ones that come with a lot of amenities like a gym or swimming pool or other activities, managed by different organizations, ask for credit checks. Look out for the ones that are not very well advertised and are small. Generally, individual house owners rent out a portion of their home as an apartment. Search for landlords who are renting their private property. You can either find details about such apartments at your real estate agency or in the local news paper advertisement.

Hunting them down might take a little longer as they do not blatantly advertise the fact that they do not require credit checks. Owners of these apartments might list their availability on internet too. So keep a look out on the web for such availability. Word of mouth is another way you can get this information. If you come to know of any such place, pay a visit immediately and find out the details, as availability of such places are limited. There are places that still adhere to old renting habits and do not consider credit checks as a requirement. Though limited, such places are available at peak renting seasons, if one looks out for it.

Alternate for credit history:

There are certain documents that might be considered valid in place of credit history. It could be your employment history, or income proof, that can prove your ability to pay the rent on time. It will help if you can obtain letter of recommendation from your previous landlord which proves your good renting record.

Though options are limited, renting an apartment is not an impossible task without credit history. All it requires is little patience and perseverance.