The content is accurate at the time of publication and is subject to change.
Getting into college is a stepping stone in the academic life of a student. This is the time when a student really gets to taste freedom and start living life on his or her own. But with liberty, comes a lot of responsibility. They need to start making decisions for themselves and also start doing chores which were otherwise done by their parents or servants at home. College can be very expensive and the expenses can be sudden and might not give you sufficient time to prepare for them.
This is the reason why a student requires a credit card these days. You might be an international student and if you are faced with a sudden emergency expenditure, you might not have anywhere to go. And money transfers sometimes take a couple of days and hence your parents might not be able to help you out in your time of need and you will have to depend on friends or other relatives to bail you out. You can avoid all this hassle if you get a credit card with a high credit limit. And you will get at least a month to pay back whatever amount you have spent on the card and this will give you sufficient time to ask the parents to send it over.
There are many student friendly cards with favorable interest rates and other terms and conditions. Before settling for a card, just because a bank`s representative sold it to you, try to look at a number of options. there are a lot of banks which offer low interest rates which are designed not to be heavy on a students pocket. You do not even have to worry about annual fees or co-signers these days. You will get it without any of these hassles. Most credit account representatives will visit campuses personally in order to make a sale to the students. You can also sign up for deals and freebies with the card. But make sure you can always pay off whatever you spend in order not to be left with huge debts.
It can be exciting to finally have ones own credit card, but it is important to maintain restraint and spend with responsibility. Parents must take a lead role in educating their kids about the importance of safe spending. The credit card for a student must be basically used for emergency expenditures and for building credit history. It must not be an excuse for binge spending which can happen quite easily if the child is not responsible.