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Research: Common Mistakes When You Use Credit Cards -

Some play the cards right and some don't! This is what leads to people getting into debts which seem never ending and hard to bear. I am talking about credit cards which has become the favorite of all those who want to spend money at their own free will! There are some common mistakes people do while they use credit cards that lead them to problems they dread.

Mistake 1: Pay Through Credit Card

It is good to use credit cards only in cases of an emergency. If you intend to use it for the smallest of purchases, you will lose track of how much you are burdening yourself. Though not obvious, there are troubles you are inviting for yourself. Instead, use it sparingly and you will have nothing but advantages to cherish.

Mistake 2: Pay the Minimum

Paying huge sums of amount of money each month is surely not enjoyable. You sure can get away without doing so by paying the minimum amount specified, but is it truly wise to do so? Think of it, you are only increasing the amount to be repaid by letting it accumulate more interest. Paying the minimum amount when you use credit cards should only be viewed as a temporary solution to the

problem and must be avoided as much as possible.

Mistake 3: Dream too Big

It is good to dream big, but do not lose the picture of reality. You know fairly well what your income is, how much more you can expect in the future and so on. Plan your finances and purchases accordingly.

Making huge purchases simply because you can use credit cards and get away with it for the moment is a very wrong way of thinking. Sooner or later, you have to bear all the expenses yourself and hence you should make time to plan and spend it the right way.

Mistake 4: Take Least Interest in the Credit Reports

We are all too busy with our lives, yes, but being too busy to read the credit reports is surely not a good indication. Many a times, there could be mistakes in the credit reports, or you may not be aware of certain charges regarding which your credit reports will talk. There is a chance for you to change your spending pattern based on your credit report. No matter what be the commitments, make time to browse through the credit report before you make your payments.

Use credit cards with an eye for details of keeping your expenses to the minimum and you will stand to gain a lot from this practice.