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Research: Credit Card as a Driving License -

It is no secret to anyone that modern credit cards can combine different functions. They serve as a major and convenient payment tool, wealth accumulator and, of course, your ID. Your credit card really can work as your passport when it comes to reserving a hotel room, renting a car, applying for a job and many other situations in life requiring your identification.

But credit card industry is going farther, offering credit consumers a truly interesting innovation - a combination of a credit card and driving license, a multi-role invention which is likely to conquer the credit card market in the nearest future.

The new credit card is issued by the world's famous and biggest credit card companies and works as a perfect identification device. Carrying this credit card in your pocket, you own a universal credit instrument capable of proving you as a car owner licensed to drive your vehicle.

The credit card with driving license has found a great credit consumer market and there are strong reasons for its popularity.

Referring mainly to the type of identification credit cards, this credit card product gives you access to a line of credit and you can use its regular credit card features such as low or no annual fees, low interest rates, numerous reward points and even cash back.

Nevertheless, the credit card with driving license is mostly appreciated and applied for due to its additional facilities. One small plastic thing will contain the items of your personal information that refer to your driving record, drivers license information, automobile insurance and other data connected with motor vehicle.

It also carries such information as the date of birth, sex, height, hair color, eye color, address and the photo of the card owner itself. That large amount of information regarding the credit card holder is not collected on your plastic for nothing. This way, the car and card owner is better protected from credit card fraud which has become a common and frequent case in the sphere of credit card transactions.

Also, just like a regular credit card from Visa or MasterCard, this identification credit card bears a magnetic strip with your signature on its back side and it provides for your authentication when you want to access credit.

Do not take me wrong though, I am not aiming at promoting this particular credit card offer. I was urged on describing it by a truly positive experience I've had with it on the road. As I am not a perfect driver, I've been stopped by police a number of times. But those troubles were a bit simplified thanks to the said credit card in my pocket.

The thing is I was exempted from all that formalities bustle of paying fines by the mail and was allowed to immediately pay the police ticket with the credit card with driving license. The charge was automatically billed to my card and the receipt of payment appeared in the credit card statements.

So, we all know about common drawbacks of credit card products. Some of them are too expensive to own and others seem to be cheap enough to use whenever and wherever possible. Both the cases inevitably lead to debt and sometimes - bankruptcy.

The credit card I am speaking about is not free from suchlike drawbacks but it does compensate them by providing better protection from credit card and ID fraud and increased convenience of charging things and paying your vehicle related bills.