The content is accurate at the time of publication and is subject to change.
With changing times, man has invented many things that are more suitable to the faster way of living. For instance like with monetary transaction, People use to visit banks to get their money transactions done, like depositing and withdrawing. A lot of time used to be consumed so man has worked out a way to shorten this process. He invented credit cards. No more going to the banks to get a deposit or withdrawal done. Just get the money from a vending machine placed across the street. How convenient! The plastic does it all.
But the plastic needs protection. Protection from people with advanced minds and sharper brains, who intend to steal your money at any cost by accessing your credit card or data related to your identity. A thief does not have to move heavier properties or jewelry from your home. It is more complicated and can be traced. He can siphon your money or rack up heavy purchases with out getting caught for considerable amount of time just by stealing your plastic. So it is important that a card user protects his/her credit cards and identity like they are his/her life.
By taking some home security measures one can easily avoid this misfortune. One of the places that have to be protected is your mail box. When you are out somebody can slither in and remove important bills and mails from your mail box and get hold of personal information. By systematically rifling through your mail box a thief could get his hands on your credit card details, mobile number, email ID, bank account numbers and other such information that could be used to inflict heavy damage to you. So get a lock for the mail box and make it difficult for the light fingered.
Avoid leaving important papers like your personal mails, credit card statement, phone bill or insurance bill on the table or anywhere in the vicinity. A burglar could easily lay his hands on this vital information and fraudulently fleece you. Keep all important papers locked up in a safe and make sure very few people in your home have access to it. Another thing you should never do is to store important information like your personal ID, credit card number, mobile number, insurance number etc in your computer. In a world infested with cyber theft one can easily access these information through electronic media. You either record this information on paper and keep it locked away or have an external hard disc installed to store them. This disc can be removed and kept safely in a locker. Or if you suspect somebody has been already been in prowl and install a burglar alarm to scare them away.
By implementing these changes in your routine you can easily avoid going through the ordeal of a credit card or identity theft.