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Research: Useful tips to prevent credit card fraud -

Credit card security and protection is one of the primary things that card companies must take care of. Each year hundreds and thousands of people fall prey to credit card fraud. Despite the various security measures that are in placecriminals find it easy to steal the information on credit cards. Though science and technology has advanced to such a large extent it has not deterred these criminals from carrying out their act. This data is later used to commit fraudulent transactions. So, it is imperative that we take adequate measures and protect the safety of credit cards. There are a few tips that you should bear in mind in order to prevent falling prey to these scams.

Credit card receipts contain a lot of critical information that can easily be misused by these fraudsters.The name of the card holder, credit card number, expiration date etc., is all found on these receipts. So, you must ensure that you store these receipts carefully as you may need them for future reference. However, if you feel that you don`t need them, then you should ideally destroy these receipts by shredding them into pieces at the earliest. If you leave the receipts lying about carelessly, then you can be rest assured that you will be short of a few hundred dollars.

After the card expires or after the expiration date of the card, you must cut it into several pieces and discard in such a manner where it will not be misused. Banks normally send the replacement card in advance to ensure that the business doesn`t get disrupted. As soon as you get hold of the new card, you must ensure that you sign on the strip behind the card to ensure that it does not get into wrong hands.

Protect the safety of your PIN number. You must never reveal your PIN number to anyone. Even while you are carrying out your transactions at the ATM, ensure that no one is peeping or trying to look over your shoulder to see the PIN. To ensure that no one gets to see your number, you may cover the number pad with one hand and type the PIN number with the other. This way, you can prevent cameras or shoulder surfers from getting hold of your number.

When you shop online, you must be extra careful as there are some websites that don`t have proper encryption on their card data. So, choose websites that are secure and report fraudulent transactions immediately.