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Traveling with credit cards could be a beneficial deal. Given that a lot of people come up with many expenses on a vacation trip, credit card companies are offering a lot of perks and incentives in such scenarios. Therefore you can save a few percentage points on the vacation budget by travelling with the right credit card.
Insurance coverage
Most credit cards offer car rental insurance coverage. A lot of cards will offer travel accident insurance which covers for accidents and death as well if the card is used for booking the airfare. Cards like Chase offer a decent lost baggage assistance amount, which could stretch up to 300 dollars. This is far more than what most airline companies can offer for lost baggage replacement.
Zero liability
Fraud transactions can be denied payments as far as your credit card bill is concerned. There is a hefty fee on merchants who sneak in extra bills as well. Fear of this chargeback causes many merchants to resolve issues with the customers, who refuse to pay up on the bills and involve the credit card issuer in resolving the dispute. The ability to check everything before you make the payment is what distinguishes a credit card from a debit card.
Travel deals
Cards like Chase do not even charge you the interchange fee which means you can save money on converting currencies when you are going to foreign countries. The conversion fee even if charged, usually around 1-2 % by more credit card issuers, will save you the trouble of looking for exchanges and converting your cash to the foreign currency. Sometimes you might get a bad conversion rate and sometimes you might not find a conversion counter when you are out of local currency.
Some credit card issuers like American Express, provide you the benefit of emergency hotlines where customers can call at any point of time to report stolen cards, stolen wallets, medical emergency, roadside assistance etc. The hotline offers assistance in most critical cases, which are likely on a foreign travel.
Bargaining deals
Some credit cards upon negotiation offer better deals for a travel trip as a perk especially when you call up and ask for it. These deals could include lower APR, sometimes 0% on travel purchases, higher credit limit and various other perks. These will help you save a good amount of money spending on your credit card.