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For those individuals who follow a high income high expenditure pattern, with a great lifestyle there are some travel rewards credit cards that come with scintillating features. These rewards are tailor made for those card holders who travel often and indulge in luxury, whether it is through their stay in reputed hotels or dining and wining in high class restaurants. There are travel rewards which help them avoid all forms of anxiety.
Bonus air miles
As soon as a new credit card account is opened by customers with excellent credit, there would be thousands of bonus air miles credited to their account, which can be redeemed for discounts on airline tickets.
Frequent flyer discounts
Every card expense would add up some points to the customers’ accounts which can eventually be redeemed on airline tickets and restaurant and hotel bills. For every dollar spent usually a point is added representing a 1% discount for all expenses if and when redeemed. Similarly, double and triple points are added to the credit card account if customers spend on specific categories. Customers can save these points and redeem them when they head for vacations. In fact, some cards allow customers to get airline tickets on any day without worrying about blackouts. In fact there are specific discounts offered by some credit cards on movie and concert tickets, theme park expenses etc.
Free ticket for partner
Some credit cards have offers which allow card holders to book one ticket and get the other free. This also extends to redemption of tickets where customers can use their discounts to purchase tickets for their partner on vacations.
No conversion fees
Some credit cards have completely done away with currency conversion fees. This means card issuers of those cards are prepared to pay the one percent charged by payment networks like Visa and MasterCard, from their own pocket as opposed to charging the customer. This comes as a great benefit for card holders who often travel abroad and are forced to use their own credit cards.
Travel accident insurance
Although this is not extensive, any coverage is good and offers its own benefits. Given that this coverage comes for free as part of the credit card terms and rewards, the card holders can count this as one of the benefits, unless they are paying a really steep annual fee every year.
Lost luggage reimbursement
Some credit cards offer this additional feature where travellers will be reimbursed the damage cost if the airlines misplace their luggage.
Lost card replacement and helpline
This can be counted as one of the biggest travel rewards although the benefits are not necessarily restricted for travel alone. Card holders can call the helpline and report a lost or stolen card any time. When card holders lose their card on vacation, things could get inconvenient which is why some credit cards offer card replacement in quick turnaround time. In fact some credit cards even provide cash advances for the card holders’ expenses until the credit card has been replaced.