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Research: Factors that strengthen your credit history impressively -

There are several factors that strengthen your credit history to make it impressive. A good credit history leads to a high credit rating which translates into a lot of benefits. You will get better rewards on credit cards, lower interest rates on debts you take and lower premiums on your insurance policy too. Here are some of the factors that will strengthen your credit history reasonably.

Low debt or no debt

Your credit history depends on your credit utilization ratio which is a measure of the extent to which you have used your available credit limit. It is the ratio of all your debts to the sum of your available credit. As your debt increases, the credit utilization increases thereby adversely affecting your credit rating. So you must keep your debt to as low as possible if you cannot repay it entirely. The key is to not spend on your credit card if it already has an outstanding balance. That is because for every expense you have to pay that added interest too when you finally repay the debt.

Consistent payment of bills

The credit history becomes very impressive and your credit rating is high when you make consistent payments on time. If prospective creditors look at your credit history and see that you have paid all your bills, whether it is credit card bills, mortgage payments, personal loan interest or insurance premiums on time, then you will be considered more creditworthy. In other words there is less risk involved in lending out money to you which is why you get the benefit of lower rates. So, you should never miss a payment date. You can in fact, set up automatic payments if that is indeed possible.

Good expenditure and timely payment

Your credit history is a reflection of what your income and expenditure status is. Those who benefit the most are card holders who have lot of expenses on their credit cards, but also make the payments on time. If you spend a lot without making payments you will end up with a debt. The key is to take note of all your mandatory expenses, whether it is bill payments, shopping for groceries, etc. and do as much as possible through the credit cards. This will leave an audit track. That is why the most rewarded lifestyle card holders are those who spend a lot but have a very low debt.