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A bad credit history is a lot like a list of red marks on a report card, it reflects how poor the credit user is at handling his or her finances. If you happen to have some bad credits on your records, then you need to sort them out as soon as possible. Otherwise, not only your finances but also other aspects of your life would be affected by this.
Bad credits could accumulate on your records if you are careless in handling your finances, most especially if you are unable to pay your bills on time, get bankrupt, and regularly commit a lot of irresponsible consumer behaviour. These bad credits would affect your life in more ways than one, starting by affecting your reputation as a credit user amongst your peers and issuers.
Keep in mind that the money lenders and credit card issuers that you usually borrow money or credits from would be reluctant to give you any if they find that you have plenty of bad credit marks on your records. This is because they are for-profit businesses, and that they have to lend out money to their clients and get them back with interest in order to stay in business. Thus, they would not lend money and credits to consumers who are unlikely to pay them back with interest and keep up their end of the bargain because they could not take on a financial risk of a person as a client.
There are other ways that a bad credit history could affect your life, and some of the situation in which bad credits could intrude is when you make expensive purchases, buy mortgage, support your family, and many more. One of the best examples of a negative effect of bad credits is when it interferes with your job opportunities or your work. This is because employer are starting to check up on their employees` and applicants` credit reports to see who is worthy of getting a promotion or job. And some traces of bad credits on your report could cost you a job or promotion.
To avoid getting bad credits on your record, simply be a responsible credit user. Pay your bills on time, avoid bankruptcy, monitor your accounts carefully in case of misinformation, and hold up your end of any financial contracts you got yourself in. You also need to avoid making any unnecessary purchases and other irresponsible consumer behaviour while you are at it, because these skip ups are usually the main cause of getting consumers like you into financial pitfalls.
If you already have some bad credits on your records, then you are advised to clear them up as soon as possible. Depending on how bad your financial situation is, it might take more than a year to sort out these red marks on your record. And be warned that the process of sorting bad credits out is long and tedious. In any case, simply pay back your outstanding debts (most especially the more expensive ones), live within your means, and get help from a financial expert to sort out your credit troubles.