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Research: Ensuring that your card is never misused -

When it comes to credit cards, you should ensure that you have very good security and protection in place, or you will regret it quite dearly. Many people have quickly learnt that not having a good protection plan in place can really backfire and cause a lot of complications. You might end up becoming a victim to identity theft, which can have a different set of repercussions altogether. Hence, your goal should be to avoid this and perhaps try to figure out ways in which you might be able to safeguard your cards and identity at the same time.

For debit cards, you can put a strong pin in place that would be difficult for others to guess. Credit cards don`t have pins in place, but you can set up alerts for unauthorized usage. In this manner, you will be notified every time the card is used when you have not been around. This is a very useful feature to have, as you will be on top of things right away and not be notified of unusual activity much after it has happened. More time means you should be able to trap the fraudster and restore your card.

You might want to avoid unnecessary usage of credit cards, especially while travelling in foreign countries. In this way, you will be able to significantly add to the security and protection features that are offered by your credit card. Many people stick to using travelers` checks and cash for transacting while abroad. This is a good idea and could help avoid unnecessary complications that could arise from usage of these credit cards in unknown stores. Travelling and trying to recover lost money through unauthorized transactions is painstakingly hard and time consuming.

Finally, for ultimate security and protection of your credit cards, always sign the back of the card and insist on showing ID with the credit card. By indicating the other person to check for ID, you can be rest assured that no unauthorized person is going to abuse your card in case you end up losing it. In a number of ways, this is a good advantage to have that could help significantly in protecting your card. You are guaranteed to like this and might even pass it on to others to help safeguard their credit cards too. After all, safety is a universal thing and spreading awareness about it is highly recommended.