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Yes - if you're approved for a new credit card, the first letter from your new provider will contain an agreement that you'll need to review and sign in order to get your card. This agreement spells out the terms and conditions of the credit card, including applicable fees and penalties that may be incurred for violating the card’s terms.
This agreement acts as a contract between you and the credit card company and by signing it, you accept not only the credit card that they are offering, but also its terms and conditions. Before you sign, make sure you’ve read the agreement thoroughly so you don’t receive any unwanted surprises down the road.
This form can be signed electronically or on paper and sent via regular mail. As soon as it is signed and received by the credit card company, your card should be on the way and arrive within a few days.
Congratulations on your new credit card! Be sure to contact us with any general questions about using credit, and contact your credit card issuer with specific questions about your account.