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Visa cards are known across more than 100 countries and merchants all around the world. This is one of the reasons a visa card is useful as it is recognized as a true brand anywhere and everywhere. There are thousands of ATMs around the world, where the Visa card can be used to. For those who like to travel a lot and are often on the go, the Visa Travel Money card is certainly a great option. Not only does it have all the benefits of the normal visa credit card, it also has certain added benefits specially suited for those who love to travel to various countries and shop.
Travelling brings its own share of risks and troubles and the Visa Travel Money card is equipped to solve some of the problems very easily. A great example is the emergency card replace and cash disbursement feature which lets you disburse all the cash available or get a new replacement card if required within just one business day. Similarly, there are just two numbers, one for those in US and one for outside US where you can call to report almost immediately if your card has been lost or stolen. This ensures that you can at least ensure your card is not misused.
The TravelMoney Visa card also comes with zero liability wherein you get protection from fraudulent usage of your card. This means that you could refuse to pay an amount, if you see that charges not part of your expenses have been added to your credit card bill. Another feature of this card is the lost luggage reimbursement. You can get up to 250 dollars per trip and your reimbursement is not contingent to what you have purchased with the TravelMoney card. You can also get 1000 dollars per every registered card holder for carry luggage or checked in luggage that is lost because of theft or because the carrier or the cruise has misdirected the luggage elsewhere.
Another feature of the Travel Money card is the purchase security wherein upon the discretion of the benefit Administrator, you can avail services including repair, reimbursement or replacement of any item that you have bought entirely using your TravelMoney card, within 90 days of your purchase. You may also get up to 500 dollars in case of damage of the item due to fire, vandalism or in other scenarios. The same holds for stolen goods too.