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Credit card applications have become a very regular and normal part of day to day life. Almost every single individual has a credit card or is looking to get more benefits on their existing card. Since you have had a card for awhile you may be able to look at getting a better credit limit on your card and considering negotiating with the banks and authorities to get a better deal out of the whole thing. The important thing is to realize that credit cards are really not any hassle if you manage to use them right and make your payments on time. When you have had a card for the last six months and been making payments on time, you have been consistently building a good credit score.
Every consumer is looking for the card that will give them all they are looking for. There is no single card that will provide all the benefits people want at once. If you wish to find a card which provides for you the best possible interest rates, you can research and compare online or look at multiple quotes to decide on which one will work best for your budget. There are many leading providers such as Discover, VISA, MasterCard and more which will provide really good deals based on your credit score. The important thing to do is to ensure that you have a good credit score.
Also according to the new credit regulations, based on the consumer's payment history and other particulars, the bank will be reviewing the rates of interest on the cards and decide whether they will go ahead and reduce it or keep it at the same level. There are also ceilings placed on the fines, penalty fees, annual fee changes and such that can be made on a credit card based on the individuals past records and also how they have been managing to pay and deal with their credit situation. If you have consistently been paying on time and have maintained a good credit score, you can discuss with your bank about getting a better interest rate on a card with a higher credit limit. When you spend within your credit limit you are conveying to credit lenders the fact that you can handle your credit and also are capable of keeping your expenses well within your ability to earn and spend. Making sure your credit limit is not crossed and spending well below it is a good sign for lenders.