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Thank you for a question. Among main advantages of L.L. Bean Mastercard I would mention it's reward program, sign-up bonus and no annual fee.
Regarding the first one - the card earns pretty good rewards: 4% at L.L.Bean, 2% at restaurants and gas stations and 1% on all other purchases. The main minus here is that all the rewards you've earned must be spent only at L.L.Bean stores. Regular credit cards can earn rewards that can be spent anywhere through miles, cashback or just as your credit balance replenishment.
Sign-up bonus of 15% discount from the first purchase sounds good, but when you know that it's a one-time bonus only during the first visit to their website - you get confused. That means you lose the bonus after you leave the page and you don't have chance to think and choose, like you might prefer.
Fortunately, there are many cards with rewards, that can be redeemed any way you like and in any shop, with high sign-up bonuses, for which you can apply online.