The content is accurate at the time of publication and is subject to change.
Paying bills with credit cards has been constantly picking up. Gone are the days when people used to stand in long lines to pay telephone bills, electric bills, internet bills and a host of other ones as well. This posed many different problems. Firstly working people always had to rush on weekends because the timings were virtually unfriendly for weekdays. Secondly there was a problem of visiting multiple offices for those payments which could be a literal nightmare. Credit cards have brought in online payment methods which save a lot of time for customers who can do it sitting in the comfort of their home. Some companies took the service one step ahead and allowed customers to make recurring payments, just in case they were worried about missing last dates, and incurring massive late fines.
Now MasterCard has added a new feather to its cap by bringing a new innovative way of making bill payments that can revolutionize online bill payment systems in the coming years. This system called Remote Payment Presentation Service keeps customers informed about all the latest upgrades and at the same time invests to ensure the payment processing systems are constantly getting better and provide more customer productivity. At least a customer can be sure that there is hope for better customer payment processing in case of complaints.
The biller setup, thanks to the RPPS is very easy along with the option to the customer to edit and add data, making the whole system very flexible. You can even add a biller ID and by simply entering partial information you can retrieve and search for the billers. Another important feature in RPPS is the prepaid card loading service which will allow you to register even you prepaid card issuer on the bill payment service bringing in more sophistication in the whole process.
The reporting service is also a great benefit. By providing you the data report entirely with all the transaction data, the reporting service even suggests how to enhance and optimize the business performance. It will give you all the information in the report that will be helpful as far as the payment business is concerned and the analysis can uncover various opportunities for you to do the same steps in a better way with more insight. Improvements have been made even to the level of transaction acceptance and the per biller level growth which could be precious.