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There are so many youngsters who go away to college and want to have the means to spend as they like and on their own. Credit cards are an excellent opportunity to learn how to spend money in a limited manner. If you practice spending in a controlled manner, you can make sure that you adhere to guidelines more carefully when it comes to a credit card. Many students wish to get their hands on this kind of independence and few realize the importance of having a good credit history. There are no specific ways or surefire means to work with credit cards except to use it carefully. The new credit card rules which have come into place have made it not so easy for students to get their hands on a credit card.

Earlier on campus for college students, getting a card was one of the easiest things. There weren't really restrictions and most people could simply sign on for cards as they liked. Most of these youngsters would find the financial freedom they gained from having a card of their own to be simply intoxicating and ended up losing track of the amount they were spending. This led to large debts which had to be settled by parents. Thus the new rule requires that a student should be over 21 years of age or else can show due eligibility through employment. There are numerous situations where no credit is difficult but without a doubt today, the new rules make it even more of a challenge for students.

Just as every rule has a loophole, this one does too. The important thing is to figure out what you need to do when you want to get your first credit card. One way to go about it is by having a parent co-sign a card for you. This will mean however that both your credit history will get affected if you spend over the limit or fail to pay on the card. Another way to go about it is to get a secured credit card at first. This will mean that you can get a card on your own and you can also work on acquiring a decent credit score that will make you eligible to get unsecured card offers in awhile more. The important thing to do is to make sure you work towards earning good scores and credit history to get better offers.