The content is accurate at the time of publication and is subject to change.
The U.S. Fair Credit service starts by making an in-depth analysis with inputs from an individual in order to get a better understanding of the problem and in turn to find custom made solutions for each individual.
With a detailed analysis one can arrive at the root of the problem as to what must be the cause for a low FICO score. Then, based on the outcome, the letters or correspondence relating to the dispute would be forwarded to Equifax, TransUnion, as well as Experian. Once that is done one can expect to hear from them within 40 working days. This would be the results of the investigation that would have been done. On receipt of this letter the aggrieved individual would have to forward the same to the U.S. Fair Credit service. They (U.S. Fair Credit service) will analyze the contents and after making successful deletions/changes, prepare another follow-up letter in order to continue the verification process with Equifax, TransUnion, as well as Experian in order to make corrections to the errors.
At this point, the U.S. Fair Credit service will begin to bring forth their differences as well as the results of their investigation to the company that is reporting the account. The second set of results will typically arrive in another 15 to 20 days and they will be forwarded again. The pressure that is applied and the accountability from the reporting companies as well as the credit bureaus would be evident by the results from the second round of investigation. This would in turn help in achieving good results and the whole process may take up to eight months.
However, there might be a lot of twists & turns that one has to deal with. The success rate would entirely be dependent on a thorough understanding of the credit reporting industry and ways to analyze the reports and the related results from the investigation at various levels. The U.S. Fair Credit service provides all expertise as well as information at a very nominal cost.
In today's world, it is essential that one has a credit report that is very accurate. The credit scores as well as the individual's credit history holds much more importance than one would imagine. It is used as a tool to calculate a host of things including insurance (both home & health), screening by prospective employers as well as landlords etc. One cannot afford to have a bad credit rating, therefore, if this happens it must be rectified as soon as possible.